3. Be a Fundraiser


Instructions to make donations to CYG

  1. Scan the QR Code using your preferred banking app
  2. Enter your preferred amount and include the following in the reference field:
    • E05 <space> NRIC/FIN/UEN <space> Mobile No.
  3. Click to submit

Note: Please include your NRIC/FIN/UEN for tax deductible benefits. The Salvation Army will not be held responsible for not processing any tax deductible benefits if the relevant information are omitted from the reference field.

About our Initiative
Our Out Of Home (OOH) Marketing is poised to bring the name of The Salvation Army across Singapore with our newly designed passenger and goods van from our Children and Youth Group (CYG) fleet. The vehicle decal reiterates our commitment to serving the beneficiaries under our care across Gracehaven, Youth Development Centre, and Gracehaven Fostering, creating a safe environment for our children and youth to thrive in.

These at-risk children and youth are often subjected to abuse and negligence and are placed under our care for counselling, guidance, interventions, group work sessions, and reunification activities, where possible.

Your donations will go towards funding evidence-based interventions with our professional crisis and behavioral management programmes to equip our children and youth for society.

All monetary donations made to The Salvation Army Singapore are entitled to 250% tax deduction if the relevant information is provided to us for processing.