Restaurant of Mistaken Orders pop up at World Ageing Festival 2023

Minister of State for Culture, community and youth, Ms Low Yen Ling being served by Mr Gilbert Lay, client of Peacehaven. Executive Director Mdm Low Mui Lang

24 May 2023 – The Salvation Army Peacehaven, set up a pop up café during World Ageing Asia 2023. Debuting for the first time as an international collaboration outside of Japan, the centre proceeded with the support of the original restaurant advisor, Mr Yukio Wada, Director & General Manager, Daiki Enzeru Help Co., Ltd, Japan. Mr Wada says that, “[Japan wants to] create a society where [persons living with dementia] can feel wanted and needed [as] a working member of society. That is the direction that Japan is moving towards, and the Restaurant of Mistaken Orders is just one part of that [direction].”

The Restaurant of Mistaken Orders is a pop-up concept that originated in 2017 in Japan by producer Shiro Oguni. The intention of the restaurant is that the dish you ordered may not be the one you end up eating – and that’s because the restaurant’s staff are people living with dementia. Even if there are mistakes in the orders, it is fine because through understanding customers can show little acts of kindness to those with dementia. More importantly, the Restaurant of Mistaken Orders aims to also help the elderly feel more productive, and debunk some myths about dementia with an experiential programme that makes our society more gracious towards those with dementia. These positive interactions can reduce stigma of dementia.

The Restaurant of Mistaken Orders launched as a pop up for two days on 24-25 May at the Ageing Asia 2023 – World Ageing Festival (14th Edition) co-organized with Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) Geronpreneurship Innovation Festival, held at Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre. “This is a wonderful opportunity to empower persons living with dementia. They are able to be contributing members of society and we want to affirm their sense of self-worth and dignity with the help of the public.” says Mdm Low Mui Lang, Executive Director of The Salvation Army Peacehaven.

There are plans and preparations to roll this café concept out in partnership with volunteers and companies so that those with dementia can still be part of the community.

For more information on Peacehaven Jade Circle, kindly visit

About The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army has been touching lives in Singapore since 1935 and we remain committed in serving the underprivileged in the community without discrimination. To us, every life is precious and we actively help those in need regardless of age, race or religion.

Throughout the years, we have established a comprehensive network of social services to meet a wide range of needs in our community. Our diverse programmes reach out to vulnerable children and youth, frail elderly, struggling families, isolated migrant workers and other needy segments in our society.

Peacehaven strives to accord dignity and to empower seniors, particularly those who suffer from the negative impact of dementia, to be independent while ensuring that they remain connected to families and their loved ones.

  • Residential care services: Peacehaven provides a comprehensive gamut of quality nursing care services, including Peacehaven Jade Circle, which has a residential care facility for persons living with dementia.
  • Community-based services: Peacehaven Day Centres at Bedok and Changi offer the Integrated Home and Day Care programme. This day programme provides a combination of centre-based and home care for elderly living in the community. Peacehaven Jade Circle Arena and Bedok Arena act as Active Ageing Care Hubs. They also provide the Dementia Day Programme to support elders as they age-in-place. In addition, Peacehaven Jade Circle Arena provides the Maintenance Day Programme.

For more information, visit

Media Contact
Joshua Yap
Coordinator, Media Services
Tel: 6555 0250